Recruitment Marketing New User Guide: Content Creator

Recruitment Marketing Public

Content Creator

As a Content Creator, you will have access to create content on the platform. This role on its own is often used to give appropriate access to marketing and content users and third-party service suppliers that shouldn't have access to any candidate data.

You will have access to:

  • Pages and page editor - create and edit rights.
  • Blogs and blog editor.

You will not have access to:

  • Company and Organisation menu areas
  • Publishing rights to pages
  • Publishing rights to blogs
  • Candidate CRM & Candidate data
  • Jobs.

Content menu

Content menu.png

The following table lists the menu items accessible to this role type:

Menu item Details
Web Pages Click "Web Pages" to manage campaigns and their pages. For more information, see Managing Recruitment Marketing pages.
Careers Website Click "Careers Website" to manage website settings, job routing, blog post routing and job search page configuration.
Calls-To-Action Click "Calls-To-Action" to manage CTAs. For more information, see the section on Calls to Action.
Jobs Click "Jobs" to view a list of active jobs with options to save favourites as bookmarks and access archived jobs. For more information, see the section on Jobs.
Blogs Click "Blogs" to access the Blogs tab within Web Pages. For more information, see Creating and managing blogs.
QR Codes Click "QR" Codes to enter a URL and generate a QR code. For more information, see QR codes.

Please refer to A Designer's Guide to Recruitment Marketing for examples of Columns, Rows, Content Blocks, Grids, Padding and Margins.

Creating a New Page

Sometimes, your first page in a Recruitment Marketing campaign will already have been generated for you. When this isn't the case, or when you need to create an additional landing page, simply follow the steps below.

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Web Pages.
  2. Click the name of the relevant campaign that you want to add a page to.
  3. Click the New button.creating a new page.png
  4. Complete the page details* on the screen that follows and click the Save button.
    Tip: Where possible, and to save time and ensure brand consistency, we encourage users to choose the "Duplicate of another page" option from the "What kind of page would you like?" drop-down.
  5. You will be taken to the Recruitment Marketing Page Editor. Using the following articles for reference, edit the page to suit your candidates' needs:
    1. Page Editor
    2. Content Blocks
Note: For the Job field, be aware that assigning a job to a page enables you to drop in a content block that showcases the job description on the page, and include an Apply URL CTA so that visitors can start their application. This page, while connected to a job, will not appear in feeds, nor the jobs search page of the careers website.

Editing a Page

The Page Editor allows you to create, edit, and display your Recruitment Marketing content the way you want to. Powerful and easy-to-use, the editor tool lets you build, configure, and publish fully responsive multimedia-friendly landing pages for use in attracting, engaging, and converting candidates.

Follow the steps below for guidance on how to add and edit the rows and columns that make up the framework for your page content.

Accessing the Page Editor

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Web Pages.
  2. Click the name of the relevant campaign.
  3. Click the name of the relevant page to load the Page Editor.
    accessing the page editor.png

Page Editor features

  • Columns and Rows
  • Adding Content Blocks
  • Margins and Padding
  • Previewing a page
  • Editing page settings
    • Requesting approval
    • Pending changes
  • Unpublishing a page
  • Promoting Live Pages.

Columns and Rows

For greater flexibility in terms of layout, your landing page content is presented in individual blocks contained in rows.

  1. Click the Add Row button to add a row.
    add row.png
  2. From the drop-down, select the number of columns you wish that row to have.
    select number of columns.png
  3. To make changes to or edit a row, use the coloured tools that appear in the top right corner of a row when you mouse over it.
    row tools.png
    1. Edit Row (pen icon): Click Edit Row to edit the number of columns in a row.
    2. Move Position (arrow tip icon): Click Move Position to move or re-position a row.
    3. Delete Row (bin icon): Click Delete Row to permanently delete a row.
  4. Click the Update button.
  5. At the confirmation prompt, either click the Update button to publish the changes and return to the campaign's page listing, or click the Update and continue editing button to publish the changes and remain in the Page Editor.

Adding Content Blocks

Next, you'll want to fill out that basic framework of rows and columns with some eye-catching content.

  1. Move your mouse over the individual columns in a row and click the Add Block button to choose a type of content block from the drop-down.
    add block button.png
  2. Once added, click the Edit Block icon.
  3. To delete a block within a row, click the bin icon.

For more information refer to Content Blocks.

Margins and Padding

Margins and Padding allow you to edit the space in and around the rows on your page.

  • Padding affects the space that surrounds the content inside the block.
  • Margin affects the space between two blocks.

To increase the padding and margins in and around your content blocks, click the "Edit" icon that appears in the top right corner of the row, and adjust the relevant dimensions in the Settings area. Click the "Save" button to keep any changes.

Edit margins and padding.png

Previewing a page

When making changes to your pages, you can preview what each new iteration would look like live by clicking the "View" button and then "View Changes". The page will open in a new tab.

To view the most up-to-date version of a page that is currently live, click the "View" button then "View Current". The page will open in a new tab. The page will appear in preview or draft mode and the preview page URL will include mode=preview in the URL, example:

mode preview URL.png

Warning: This is not a live page and as such the URL shouldn't be copied/pasted or shared anywhere to be publicly available.

Editing page settings

The following page settings can be edited:

  • Settings: Title, slug/URL, associated campaign.
  • Appearance & Behaviour: Theme, show header, show footer.
  • SEO: Attributes and meta description.
  • Job
  • Attribution

To adjust the settings:

  1. Click the Settings button then Settings.
  2. Make any edits you need.
  3. Click the Save button to keep any changes.

Requesting approval

It may be the case that you can make edits but need to seek approval before those changes can update. In this case, the button you see in the top left corner of the Page Editor will read Request Approval.

Click "Request Approval" once you have finished making changes to your page. This will trigger an email notification to a team member who has the user rights to approve the changes and make that current iteration of your page live.

editing a page request approval button.png

Pending changes

If you are waiting for edits to be approved, when you click into the relevant campaign, a Pending Changes notification displays below the title of the recently updated page on the Pages listing, for example:

pending changes.png

A Pending Changes notification will also display on the Page Editor, for example:

pending changes displaying on the page editor.png

The Pending Changes notification will disappear once your edits have been approved, or the "Update" or "Publish" buttons have been clicked.

Unpublishing a page

If you would like to unpublish a page, you can do this from the campaign pages screen.

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Web Pages.
  2. Click the name of the relevant campaign.
  3. Next to the relevant page, click the Actions icon.
  4. From the drop-down, select Unpublish.

Promoting Live Pages

To learn how to automatically distribute your Recruitment Marketing content to the job boards of your choosing, refer to Broadbean for Recruitment Marketing.

Publish blogs

Recruitment Marketing has a blogging engine built into it. This means that you can easily create, publish, and manage career-related blogs in the same place that you manage your web pages. The blog engine also leverages the Recruitment Marketing template feature to ensure that your posts display a look and feel that’s consistent and on-brand with your other careers' content.

You can create as many blogs as you like, and there is no limit to how many posts each blog can contain. You may wish to have an “Employee Stories” blog, for example, or a blog for each department in your organisation. See Content Blocks - Blogs for related information.

Blog types

A blog can be manual, meaning that you create the posts yourself, or, it can track an existing RSS blog that your company may have on its general website, for example, when you sync an existing blog, any new posts that are added are automatically pulled into Recruitment Marketing and made available there. However, if you choose to utilise the RSS feed option, no edits can be made to the blog within Recruitment Marketing. You can also utilise the AI Powered Content Assistant as a helping hand in producing content.

Creating an RSS blog

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Blogs.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Select the RSS based Blog option.
  4. Paste in a RSS URL.
  5. Click the Save button.

The blog entry is displayed in the Blogs listing with the title (Pending Sync). The details of it will not appear until the hourly required sync has occurred.

RSS based blogs will take some time to sync, but once that process is complete, the Recruitment Marketing blog engine will pull in all available posts and will update to show any new posts that are added.

Note: Regarding Whitelisting, please contact your PageUp/Clinch representative to have any new RSS blogs whitelisted. This is to ensure a successful import into the system.

If blog images are hosted on a different domain to the blog, so that the images will successfully import, you will need to either:

  • Whitelist the domain hosting the images; or
  • Have the customer change the hosting location of the images to match the main domain for the blog.

Creating a manual blog

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Blogs.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Select the Manual Blog option.
  4. Enter a Title.
  5. Enter a Description if needed.
  6. Click the Save button.

The blog is displayed in the Blogs listing.

Adding a post to a manual blog

  1. From the Blogs listing, click the blog's title.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Configure the post as required.
  4. Click the Save button to keep the settings.

Enabling blog tags

Tagging a blog post gives you the option to categorise a blog post, for example, blog posts relating to "people" or "events". To make use of this functionality, refer to the steps below to enable "Link Post Tags to Blog Search Page":

Part 1: Configuring "Link Post Tags to Blog Search Page"

  1. Log into Recruitment Marketing.
  2. From the side menu, click Careers Website.
  3. Click Blog post page.
  4. Click the Blog Post body content block edit icon.
  5. Tick the option Link Post Tags to Blog Search Page.

Part 2: Enabling "Link Post Tags to Blog Search Page"

When you add a "blog post list" content block to the page builder, you will also need to check the box "Link Post Tags to Blog Search Page".

  1. From the side menu, click Careers Website.
  2. Click Blog search page.
  3. Tick the option Link Post Tags to Blog Search Page.

Tagging a blog post

  1. Log into Recruitment Marketing.
  2. From the side menu, click Blog.
  3. When editing your blog post, click Settings.
  4. For Tags, select an existing tag or enter a new tag.
  5. Click Save.

Managing posts

For each post, there are options to edit, preview, copy URL, un/publish, and delete.

Note: You can add images and links to your posts, and blog posts will save automatically as you type.

Adding video to a blog post

Users of the Recruitment Marketing blog engine can also add a single video to their blog posts. Videos can be a very effective tool in improving candidate engagement, and the Recruitment Marketing platform offers full analytics and interaction capture for each video you add to your blog.

  1. Next to the post click the Edit icon.
  2. From the Video type drop-down, select either video source: YouTube Video or Hosted Video.
  3. Enter the Link to the Video URL.
  4. Use the text editor beneath to add any content you wish to appear below the video.
    Note: Currently the video will automatically display at the top of the page, above any content.
  5. Click the Save button to keep any changes.

Adding a blog to a careers page or template

To feature a blog post or list of posts on your careers site or job page, follow the steps to edit your page or template, then choose the relevant content block from the drop-down.

adding blogs to a careers page.png

Configuring the blog posts list block works a lot like the jobs list block.

Blog Post Page

If using a Blog Post Page, it’s possible to leverage the blog post routing functionality to display a different hero image, and when available, the ability to display the blog post image. This avoids the need to have multiple templates.

When the user navigates to a blog post using this template, the image block will either display the default image or if selected, the blog post’s image. This can be configured as follows:

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Web Pages.
  2. Click the Careers Website tab.
  3. In the Settings section, click the relevant item, for example, Blog Post Page.
  4. Click the Add Row icon to add a row of the relevant dimensions. Alternatively, if an Image block already exists, navigate to it and click the Edit Block button.
  5. Within that row, click the Add Block button.
  6. Select Image from the drop-down.
  7. Click the Edit Block button.
  8. In the Image pop-up configure as required, but from the Image Selection drop-down, select Blog post's image when available.
  9. Click the Save button.

Pending changes

If you are waiting for edits to be approved, when you click into the relevant campaign, a Pending Changes notification displays below the title of the recently updated page on the Pages listing.

pending changes.png

The Pending Changes notification will disappear once your edits have been approved, or the Update or Publish buttons have been clicked.

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