Recruitment Marketing New User Guide: Getting Started

Recruitment Marketing Public

Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment at your organisation with the Recruitment Marketing product!

This Recruitment Marketing New User Guide aims to walk you through the product as a first-time user, familiarising you with the components that make up Recruitment Marketing. Along the way, you'll discover additional resources to click on and delve deeper, turning you into a Recruitment Marketing pro in no time!

Let's get started

Your Recruitment Marketing Team

your RM team.png

Our Support team is available Monday - Friday 24/5. Please refer to Contacting Support for more information.

User Roles

Each team member has specific content access rights or publishing permissions assigned to them. The user roles determine these rights and permissions.

A user's role allocations apply across all company accounts.

Recruitment Marketing enables blocking as opposed to deletion to preserve references to the user for historical purposes, for example, reviewing conversations with candidates that may have been started or continued by the user.

Jump to a Role for more information:

Access/Logging in

Note: If your organisation utilises SSO you will log in via a link provided by your organisation.

Clinch only users

  1. Click the relevant link below to load your Sign In page.
  2. At the Sign In page enter your Email and Password. If you're unsure, click Forgot Password?
  3. To stay logged in, select the Keep me signed in checkbox.
  4. Click Sign In.

Recruitment Marketing users

  1. From the side menu, under Recruitment Marketing click one of the following sub-menu items:
    1. Content: Click to load the Careers Website content.
    2. CRM: Click to load the All Candidates list.
    3. Events: Click to load the Recruitment Events.
    4. Reports: Click to load the Reports screen with the Candidates tab selected.
  2. A new tab/window will display with the Recruitment Marketing dashboard. Alternatively, the Sign In page displays for you to log in manually.

For more information refer to Recruitment marketing dashboard and navigation.




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