Creating and sending an email

Recruitment Marketing Public

Building relationships with and nurturing candidates is an integral part of the recruitment marketing process. Recruitment Marketing makes it easy for you to engage candidates through email - on a one-to-one basis, or in bulk while maintaining that personal feel.

  • Deliver personalised, on-brand emails to individual candidates or a list.
  • Notify your candidates of recruiting events, relevant job opportunities, and more.
  • Send them links to your Recruitment Marketing pages, and track their interaction with the emails you deliver.
  • Send emails manually, or create a Workflow to trigger an automatic send.

Creating and sending a basic email

You can create and send a short, plain text note to an individual candidate as follows:

  1. From the side menu, under CRM click Candidates.
  2. Use the search options to find the relevant candidate.
  3. Click the candidate's name to open their profile.
  4. Click the Emails tab.
  5. Click New.
    candidate summary send email.png
  6. Select a saved reply if required.
  7. Compose the email. A toolbar is available for text formatting and includes the Personalization drop-down with merge fields.
  8. Click the Send Email button.

If the candidate replies, you will receive an email notification to your company email account.

Sending emails in bulk

Creating a list of intended recipients

To contact multiple candidates simultaneously, you must first group those candidates into a list.
For more information refer to Creating a list.

Creating the email

  1. From the side menu, under CRM click Emails.
  2. Enter a name for your email.
  3. In the drop-down What type of email would you like to create? select New email from theme
  4. In the drop-down What will this email be used for? select Campaign. The following Email Types are available to select from the drop-down:
    1. Campaign: Intended for a one-time send to a candidate list
    2. Job Alert: Informs candidates who have opted in that a job that matches their requirements has become available
    3. Workflow: An email to be saved for future and continuous use. A workflow email is sent automatically, triggered by a candidate completing a particular call-to-action.
    4. Candidate Conversation: An email sent to an individual candidate directly from that candidate's profile screen
    5. Candidate Consent
    6. Candidate Merge
    7. Candidate Verification
  5. Select a theme: These will be filtered based on the email type selection.
    If a theme displays as Preview not available, you can add one by editing that theme via the side menu. The Plain theme is a simple, plain text template that works well for messages that are intended to be viewed as having been created for each, individual candidate; such as a personalised invitation to apply for a specific job or to attend an upcoming event:
    creating a new email.png

    A company-branded theme includes rich media (logo, image, etc.) and works better for messages relating to more general announcements or notifications, for example:
    a company branded theme.png
  6. Click the Save button to continue.

Configuring the email

On the "Edit email" page, the tabs that display vary depending on the email type selected.

The "Send" tab is only visible when the email type is "Email Campaign". "Job Alerts" and "Workflow" emails do not require it as these are sent automatically to those candidates who have opted in or completed a specific action respectively. The "Candidate Conversation" email is also excluded as the recipient of this is selected.

For details on configuring an email's content using the email builder, which allows you to add as many rows and content blocks as required, refer to Editing an Email with the Email Builder for more information.

The following information details how to configure the content of an email using a theme with the content blocks pre-set.

  1. Under the Edit tab, you can edit the body of the email by hovering over the individual text and/or image blocks and clicking the Edit Block icon.
    edit email tab.png
  2. All email themes are configurable. Hover over the various content blocks (highlighted below) to make changes to your theme. You can also change your email layout by selecting a new theme from the drop-down in the top right, next to the Upload Photos button.
    Note: To change the background image you would need to edit the theme.
  3. When you are happy with the contents of the email, click the Next Step button in the top right corner.
  4. Under the Settings tab, configure the following:
    1. Name: This will pre-populate but can be changed if required
    2. Subject: This is a free text field
    3. From: Select the sender from the drop-down
    4. Preheader Text: This is optional but can be useful to provide candidates with a summary of what's inside the email. This will display in the user's inbox if used, otherwise, the beginning of the email will display.
  5. Click the Next button to continue.
  6. Under the Preview tab, you can review the email and make any changes by clicking the Edit or Settings tabs to return to that stage. You can also view the email as one of the recipients on your selected list via the Preview as drop-down.

Sending the email

Note: This step is available to "Email Campaigns" only. For all other emails, the "Preview screen" is the final stage. 

For detailed information on how to send emails, please refer to Send your email template.




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