Email campaigns

Recruitment Marketing Public

Email campaigns are email templates that are sent to a candidate list. You can send multiple email campaigns using the same email template, monitor when and to whom those emails were sent, see email stats, schedule emails to be sent in the future, resend emails, etc.

Creating an email template

To contact multiple candidates simultaneously, you must first group those candidates into a list. For more information refer to Creating a list.

  1. From the side menu, under CRM click Emails.
  2. Enter a name for your email template.
  3. In the drop-down What type of email would you like to create? select New email from theme
  4. In the drop-down What will this email be used for? select Campaign.
  5. Select a theme: These will be filtered based on the email type selection.
  6. Click the Save button to continue.

creating a new email.png

Editing the email template

Once the email template has been created, you can edit it should you wish to.

  1. Under the Edit tab, you can edit the body of the email by hovering over the individual text and/or image blocks and clicking the Edit Block icon.
  2. All email themes are configurable. Hover over the various content blocks (highlighted below) to make changes to your theme. You can also change your email layout by selecting a new theme from the drop-down in the top right, next to the Upload Photos button.
    Note: To change the background image you would need to edit the theme.
  3. When you are happy with the contents of the email, click the Next Step button in the top right corner.
    email campaign tabs.png
  4. Under the Settings tab, configure the following:
    1. Name: This will pre-populate but can be changed if required
    2. Subject: This is the subject that will appear in the email
    3. From: Select the sender from the drop-down
    4. Preheader Text: This is optional but can be useful to provide candidates with a summary of what's inside the email. This will display in the user's inbox if used, otherwise, the beginning of the email will display.
  5. Click the Next Step button to continue.
    campaign settings tab.png
  6. Under the Preview tab, you can review the email and make any changes by clicking the Edit or Settings tabs to return to that stage.
  7. It's a good idea to test the email, so click the Send test button, choose a recipient user from the drop-down and click the Send button.
  8. When you're happy that the email is rendering as it should be, you can proceed to the Send screen.
  9. If you would like to set up a sequence, you can click on the Sequences tab. 
    campaign preview tab.png

Sending your email template

  1. Select a sender by clicking on the From drop-down.
  2. Select the candidate list you would like to send your email campaign to by clicking on the To drop-down. When you select a candidate list, the number of candidates that will receive that email will be displayed for your information (as per screenshot below).
  3. You can select either to send the email template right away by clicking on Send Now or to schedule for sending at a later time.

Emails Send tab complete.png

Scheduling your email campaign

If you wish to schedule your email select the Schedule for later option on the drop-down menu.

  1. Clicking on that option opens up a new drop-down with a date picker. Select the date and time you would like to schedule your email.
    Note: You will need to choose a date and time based on your company timezone. This can be configured by navigating to the side menu, under Company clicking the Settings menu and then clicking on Company Details.
  2. Click on the Schedule button.
  3. While a scheduled email has not been yet sent, it will appear on the Sending tab on the 'Emails" screen
    Note: Large campaigns can take hours to complete.

Email templates

Emails index page.png

On the Emails screen, you can see the full list of templates (the most recently updated displays first). Assuming the "Campaign" option has been chosen, you can also filter by the status of each email template. The default is to see all the templates, but you can change that by clicking on the drop-down and selecting either Draft, Scheduled, Sending or Sent.

The "Activity" column tells you how many times that particular template was sent to candidate lists. This is also a link that will take you to the email activity screen. In the case of Draft emails, this link will take you to edit the email.

The "Actions" column contains menu items providing you with the ability to "send an email template" (paper plane icon) and to "edit the template" (pencil icon).

On the "Percentage (%)" column, you will be able to see how many of the emails have been:

  • % Sent: Percentage of emails created and sent to the candidates.
  • % Received: Percentage of emails that have been received by candidates. This count is dependent on receipts being sent from each candidate's email provider, so there can be delays in calculating this number accurately. 
  • % Open: Percentage of emails that have been opened/read by candidates.
  • % Clicks: Percentage of emails in which candidates have clicked on a link in the email.

Email Activity

transmissions index.png

The Email Activity screen shows a list of the times an email template was sent. The "Status" column will be set to pending (awaiting to be sent), sending, sent or scheduled. If the status is scheduled, you can hover over the calendar icon to see the date and time the email is scheduled for (screenshot below for scheduled email).

From this screen, you can also send a new email from that template by clicking on the "Send new email" button on the top right of the screen as per the screenshot above.

Cancelling a scheduled email

scheduled email cancel button.png

If you wish to cancel a scheduled email, you can do this by clicking on the "Cancel schedule" button.

Note: This will cancel the sending of that particular email only, all other scheduled emails will not be cancelled and will be sent at the time you have selected.

cancelled scheduled email.png

Sending a new email using an existing template

When clicking on "Send new email", you will be redirected to the "Send" screen (see screenshot on 'Send your email campaign' section), where you will be able to select the sender, select the candidate list and choose between sending the email now or scheduling it for later.

Sending the campaign to new members of a list

There are times when you send a campaign to a specific candidate list and later on more candidates get added to that list. In these cases, if you wish to resend the campaign to only the new candidates added to the list you can do so by clicking on the "Send to new" button on the "Actions" column.

email activity send to new.png

Note: The "Send to new" button only appears when the candidate list has new members added to it.



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