SMS text messaging

Recruitment Marketing Public

99.9% of texts will be read. It comes as little surprise, then, that SMS text messaging is gaining traction amongst recruiters with their fingers on the pulse.

SMS is fast becoming the go-to means of connecting with candidates in a busy, talent-driven world, and PageUp is proud to facilitate these connections within Recruitment Marketing's CRM.

For other PageUp modules refer to SMS.

Using SMS

SMS can be leveraged in multiple areas in the Recruitment Marketing module. Read on for more details.

Candidate preview

In a candidate preview, click the "SMS" tab to be able to create and send 1:1 messages, and view two-way communication histories between recruiters and candidates.

candidate preview

Candidate profile

When viewing the full profile of a candidate, click the "SMS" tab to be able to create and send 1:1 messages, and view two-way communication histories between recruiters and candidates.

candidate profile


When configuring a workflow, you can enable automated messaging when SMS is added as a workflow step.


Sourcing Companion Chrome Extension

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 15.36.51.png

Recruiters that use our Chrome browser extension, "Sourcing Companion" can also SMS candidates they find sourcing around the web. If you find that perfect candidate, as long as they are in your talent pool, you can message them immediately. 

Shared Inbox

When viewing the "Shared Inbox", you can track and manage your company's SMS conversations with all candidates in one centralised location. Filter by date and view all conversations - "Shared", or yours alone - "Mine". You can create and reply to messages from the Recruitment Marketing web platform.

shared inbox

Viewing sent SMS messages

  1. From the side menu, under Company click Reports.
  2. Click the Chat tab.
  3. Enter a Date Range to filter by.
  4. From the Usage filter, select either Campaign or Workflow.
  5. Set the Kind filter as SMS.
  6. Under the Candidates Funnel or Chat Messages table, click a number to view a list of applicable candidates.

SMS settings

  1. From the side menu, under Organisation click Settings.
  2. Click SMS.
  3. The following settings should be entered:
    • Account SID
    • Auth Token
    • Date to start synchronizing replied messages
  4. From the side menu, under Company click Settings.
  5. Under Miscellaneous click SMS.
  6. The following settings should be entered:
    • Company Messaging Phone Number
      Note: To have two-way SMS work correctly, the format of the phone number cannot contain any spaces. 
  7. If the customer is using Text Engage, under Miscellaneous click Chatbot.
  8. The following settings should be entered:
    • Company Chatbot Phone Number
  9. Click the Save button to keep any changes.

SMS provider

The Recruitment Marketing module uses Twilio as its SMS provider. Your Customer Success representative will provision SMS or Chatbot phone numbers for your Recruitment Marketing instance. 

Requirements for provisioning with Twilio

The following supporting information/documentation is to be provided to PageUp for the provisioning of SMS or Chatbot phone numbers to take place.


  • ASIC registration record (document) containing the following details:
    • Business name.
    • Business address.
    • Business ID number - Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Customer contact details - An authorised person for Twilio to contact if required.

For more information on the Australian Regulatory Guidelines, refer to Twilio.

United Kingdom:

  • Excerpt from the appropriate commercial register, which would usually be the UK Companies House registration, including the following information:
    • Business Name.
    • Registration Authority.
    • Business Registration Number.
  • Additionally, the following information is required:
    • Website address.
    • Business address - Must be a valid UK address.
    • Emergency address (if different from business address) - Must be a valid UK address.
    • Authorised representative's name.
    • Authorised representative's phone number.
    • Authorised representative's work email address.

For more information on UK Regulatory Guidelines, refer to Twilio.

United States:

  • The US Employer Identification Number (EIN).
  • The business address that is linked to the EIN.
  • Customer contact details - an authorised person for Twilio to contact if required.

For more information on US A2P 10DLC registration requirements, refer to Twilio.

SMS failure logs

You can view details of SMS messages that failed to be delivered. The failure reason received by our messaging provider is accessible via the side menu, under "CRM" click "Chat Messages". Next to the relevant item click the "Chat message failures" icon.

SMS failure logs

Check SMS segment balance

The available SMS segment credits available to your organisation can be checked by a user with the Organisation Admin role assigned.

To view the available balance:

  1. From the side menu, under Organisation click Settings.
  2. Click SMS.
  3. Click SMS Billing Logs.
  4. You will see a list of all the SMS messages sent or received by the organisation, and against each record, you will see the remaining SMS segment balance available at the conclusion of that interaction.


Q. I have a zero or negative SMS segment balance and my messages are not sending.

If your organisation consumes all your available SMS segment credits and the balance reaches 0 or below, the system will automatically prevent you from being able to send further SMS messages until the balance is replenished.

This will manifest in several ways:

  • You will be unable to create and send individual messages to a candidate.
  • Any workflow executions which include a step that sends an SMS will be automatically concluded, and no further steps in that workflow will execute.

In this circumstance, contact your PageUp representative to discuss your options for replenishing your available SMS segment credits.




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