Advanced candidate search

Recruitment Marketing Public

Simple search is the quick and easy way to find candidates in Recruitment Marketing. It works best when your search is based around a single data type such as candidate first name, city, or tag, for example.

When more specific search queries are required, you can use the advanced search features.

Filtering candidates

  1. From the side menu, under CRM click Candidates
    Alternatively from the Home Dashboard, click Candidates
  2. At the All Candidates list, the following settings are available

Column filters

Mouse hover a column heading to click the Column settings icon, and the following options display:

  • Column settings - displays by default
    • Pin Column - click to Pin Left, Pin Right or No Pin
    • Autosize This Column - click to auto adjust the width of that column only
    • Autosize All Columns - click to auto adjust the width of all columns
    • Reset Columns - click to return to the default column widths and column selections
    • Filter settings - these vary depending on the item
    • Column filter settings - click an item to show or hide it in the list.
      For more information refer to Configuring candidate list columns.

Using filters

The criteria that must be met by candidates in order for them to appear in the results. For example: In the Name text field, if you enter Joh then all candidates whose name or surname begins with Joh such as John, Johanna or Johanesson will display.

In the Recent Location field, enter a place and then the list will update displaying candidates who have also been in that location.

For example: Candidates whose name or surname begins with Joh and who have been in Melbourne.

To save the results as a list, click the Lists button then Create new list.
For more information refer to Creating a list and Managing lists.



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