Configuring candidate CRM grid settings

Recruitment Marketing Public


The Recruitment Marketing module captures a wealth of information about your candidates and potential candidates, and the candidate grid allows you to mine that data to help you achieve your talent acquisition needs.

The information that is useful to you may differ from other members of your team, so to ensure that everyone is able to obtain the optimal view for their needs, it is possible for you to configure what information is available to you on the candidate grid when you access the system.

The configuration of the columns that you choose is specific to you, and other colleagues within your organisation are able to configure the grid independently to meet their particular needs too.


The candidate grid is accessed in various ways depending on the activity you are performing, but the most common way would be via the Candidates option in the CRM section of the side menu.

Configuring visible columns

To configure the display of the columns within the candidate grid:

  1. Click the Columns button above the grid.
    Configure Columns button
  2. The list of available columns will be shown, with a toggle switch indicating which columns are currently configured to be displayed.
  3. By default the following columns display:
    • Name
    • Contact
    • Resumes
    • Employer
    • Job Title
    • Industry
    • Recent Location - this is the location that corresponds to their most recent interaction with the career site
    • Interaction
    • Visit Count
    • Calls to action
  4. Toggle the switch against each option to determine which columns are shown to you.
    Configure columns screen
  5. Your selections are automatically saved when you toggle the switch.

Additional settings

There are a number of additional settings available to you to personalise your interaction with the candidate grid.

  1. To access additional settings, click the Actions button, and select Settings from the list.
    Grid Actions menu
  2. The following settings are available:
    • Page Size - specifies the number of candidates shown on each page of results
    • Grid filters should include archived jobs - set based on your preference
    • Grid filters should include archived CTAs - set based on your preference
  3. Click Save to retain your selections.



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