Recruitment Marketing Public
The Shared Inbox feature makes it easy to track, manage, and share candidate conversations in one, centralised location.
The Shared Inbox feature collects and presents all two-way conversations that originate from emails created and sent using Recruitment Marketing. This includes candidate responses to automated / workflow emails and SMS.
To access: From the side menu, under CRM click Inbox.
By default, the Mine tab will be selected displaying your candidate conversations.
To view all conversations between candidates and any Recruitment Marketing user, click the Shared tab.
There is the ability to filter by date with the options: Last month; Last year; All.
To view a conversation / email thread, click on that item in the left column and the conversation will display in the middle section.
To the right of the thread, a profile summary displays of the candidate in conversation. In this section, for a more detailed look at the candidate, click the View Full Profile button.
You can reply to any candidate message by clicking the Reply button. Replies from account users / your team members will also display in the Shared Inbox.
Email replies sent to a candidate will not include the thread.
The Shared Inbox comes complete with its own dedicated search bar. Built to support simple boolean searches, the feature will look for matching words or phrases in both the candidate's and user's name, the message subject, and the message body. Use it to surface specific conversations quickly.
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