Recruitment Marketing Public
You’ve put time, money, and energy into building a beautiful career site. Now you want to know, what’s working and what isn't? Which content is engaging and converting candidates and by what measures?
Recruitment Marketing's comprehensive analytics give you the data you need to draw those informed conclusions.
Recruitment Marketing dashboard
When you access the Recruitment Marketing module, a dashboard displays showcasing some of the key metrics relating to your career site and associated recruitment marketing efforts.
This dashboard is accessible anytime by clicking Home, from the top left of the page.
The ability to view the conversion rates as a percentage at each stage of the candidate journey for the major content components (including landing pages and blogs) is undoubtedly of value, however, perhaps the most striking stat on this dashboard is the Hired to Visitors ratio displayed beneath each funnel.
As its name suggests, this statistic conveys the quantitative relationship between visitors and applicants who have gone on to be hired, i.e. for every 'x' number of visitors to your landing pages or blog, 'x' number have gone on to be hired. It's a powerful metric that really communicates in succinct and quantifiable terms, whether or not your recruitment marketing content is performing as intended.
Measuring the effectiveness of landing pages
- From the side menu, under Reports & Logs click Reports.
- Click the Pages tab.
- Enter a Date Range to filter your results by.
- To view metrics for all pages, leave the Web Campaign field blank.
- From the Page Type drop down, select Landing page.
- Refer to the 3 tables below for updated metrics:
Pages conversion table
- the number of visitors (known candidates and anonymous prospects) who have viewed any page
- the number of known candidates who have viewed a page
- the number of candidates who viewed a page and went on to start an application
- the number who viewed a page and completed an application
- the number who viewed a page and went on to become a successful candidate - What you consider as successful depends on your own unique company workflow and practices.
Page breakdown table
Scroll down to this table, and based on the filters set, you will see some (if filtered by campaign) or all of your landing pages listed in descending order by number of candidates who viewed each.
This table also reveals, at a individual page level, how many candidates (known and unknown) viewed the page then went on to start an application, complete an application, and how many went on to become a successful candidate.
You can click on the name hyperlink of any page to view more detailed analytics for that particular page, including information on traffic sources and candidates' operating systems.
Call-to-action table
At the bottom of the Pages screen is a table called Call-to-action. Here you will see all the CTAs created for use on your career site. These are listed in descending order starting with the CTA that saw the most number of candidate completions or conversions.
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