Creating a structured feed of jobs

Recruitment Marketing Public

Delivering jobs to distribution channels via a structured feed in Recruitment Marketing is a better, more reliable alternative to scraping.

Generating a structured feed

  1. From the left menu, click Integrations then Feeds.
  2. In the list of Free Jobs Boards, next to the Clinch generic feed.
  3. Click the Edit icon to edit
  4. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked.
  5. Configure the feed rules if required, for example: on for some departments but not all.
    For more information refer to Configuring jobs for distribution channels with feeds.
  6. To obtain the unique URL for this feed, click the clipboard icon under the Actions menu.
  7. You will receive a confirmation that the URL has been copied to your clipboard.
  8. The URL will follow the following format, and by default, the URL copied to your clipboard will be the XML version. To obtain the JSON version, upload the extension from XML to JSON:
    • JSON -
    • XML -

This URL now allows your job data to be shown in a structured format.

Sample structure of a posted job (XML format)

<lastBuildDate>Thu, 3 Nov 2022 04:50:49 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<title>The title of the job posting </title>
<link>URL of the job posting on the career site</link>
<guid>Unique ID for the job posting</guid>
<ats_uid>Unique ID from the source ATS</ats_uid>
<requisition_ats_uid>Unique ID from the source ATS</requisition_ats_uid>
<postDate>The date the job was posted</postDate>
<summary>A short summary or overview of the job posting.</summary>
<description>The detailed advertising content, including HTML mark-up</description>
<remote> is this a remote job (true or false) </remote>
<streetaddress> </streetaddress>
<city> </city>
<state> </state>
<country> </country>
<postalcode> </postalcode>
<category> A collections of assigned categories </category>
<department> A collections of assigned departments </department>
<level> e.g. graduate, executive </level>
<employment_type> e.g. Full Time, Part Time </employment_type>
<name> Aqua Corp </name>
<website> </website>

Note: Not all fields in the feed may be populated. This will depend on whether the relevant data field has been populated by the data received from the Applicant Tracking System.

Assigning attribution and source of hire when using a feed

If you would like to associate attribution and source of hire, you can set a utm_source when calling the feed. This will set the utm_source you provide onto all the job landing page URLs. The platform will then use this to assign attribution for traffic in analytics and reporting.

Below is an example feed URL where the desired attribution is to a jobs board called super jobs board.

JSON format -


XML format -



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