Adding source parameters to a web page

Recruitment Marketing Public

Sending hardcoded text parameters

You may want to pass hardcoded text parameters to your ATS from Recruitment Marketing, whenever a candidate completes an apply URL call to action. To configure:

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Web Pages.
  2. Click the name of the relevant web campaign.
  3. Next to the relevant page, click the Actions icon then Settings.
  4. Click the Attribution tab.
  5. Select a Type, enter and Name and Value
    For example: To send hardcoded text parameters to Jobvite from the apply URL call to action, select the "Text" type and populate the parameters with values for __jvst and __jvsd.
    For more information refer to a Jobvite article on Source Tracking.

  6. Click the Save button to keep the settings.

Now whenever the candidate completes the call to action from this page, your parameters will be appended to the apply URL:<your-company-id>/job/<your-job-id>/apply?nl=1&__jvst=PageUp&__jvsd=Landing%20Page

Assuming the candidate completes the application, you should now be able to observe the source parameters in your ATS, relating to Jobvite.

Ensure that your source type (in the example above: PageUp) exists in the list of sources under More > Admin > Configuration > Sources. If it does not, click Add Candidate Source to add it.

Sending the candidate's source as a parameter

You may want to pass a candidate's source to your ATS e.g., Google etc. To configure:

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Web Pages.
  2. Next to the relevant page, click the Actions icon then Settings.
  3. Click the Attribution tab.
  4. Select a Type, enter and Name and Value.
    For example: To send the candidate's source to Jobvite from the apply URL call to action, we have to send two parameters: __jvst and __jvsd.
    First, select the "Text" type for the __jvst parameter and set its value to something like "Campaign", "PageUp" etc.
    Then select "Current Source" for the __jvsd parameter. The value for __jvsd will be calculated by Recruitment Marketing.
    PageUp will look at the candidate's recent browsing experience and extract either the utm_source from the URL they visited from or the request referer domain (taken from the HTTP request header).
    Using Jobvite as an example, if a candidate came to a Recruitment Marketing job page via a link that contained "utm_source=indeed" in the URL, and completed the apply CTA shortly afterwards, then the candidate's source would appear as "indeed" within Jobvite.

  5. Click the Save button to keep the settings.



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