Configuring a jobs list block

Recruitment Marketing Public

Adding a jobs list block

  1. In the Page Editor, click the Add Row icon to add a row of the relevant dimensions. Alternatively, if a Job List block already exists, navigate to it and click the Edit Block button.
  2. Within that row, click the Add Block button.
  3. Select Job List from the drop down.
  4. Click the Edit Block button.

  5. In the Jobs List pop up, configure as required. Refer below for design options.

  6. Click the Save button to keep the settings.

Design options

The What jobs should be used setting controls what kind of jobs will display for the candidate. There are three design options explained below.

Criteria-based jobs

These are jobs that meet specific criteria, for example: you might wish to show a list of New York City-based jobs only. This option is best for: location- or department/category-specific landing pages.
For help building your job list criteria, refer Campaign job criteria.

Recommended jobs

These are jobs based on that individual candidate's previous behaviour. This option is best for: career site homepage as it delivers the candidate a noticeably more personalised experience from the outset.

If a candidate has never viewed a job, Recruitment Marketing will recommend the latest jobs. Once they click to view a job, the platform can then make future recommendations based on the candidate's previous selection.

Similar jobs

These are jobs the platform recognises as being "like" the current job, based on the behaviour of all candidates who have visited the site. This option is best for job page sidebar as it introduces the candidate to other jobs that they may not otherwise be aware of, such as those in other locations, for example. This is adaptive content that updates depending on which job page the candidate is viewing.

In the event that the system is unable to determine any similar jobs to recommend, the default text of There are currently no jobs matching this criteria or whatever has been entered into the field titled Display this message when no matching jobs available will display instead.



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