Recruitment Marketing Public
For Recruitment module information refer to Employee referral.
With the candidate referral functionality, people will be able to refer someone they know to a job.
The referral fields are a CTA (Call To Action) field type that can be used to create a Referral CTA. This can then be used on job landing pages.
The referral fields within the CTA can be configured in two different ways:
- To capture the details of the person who wants to refer another person.
- To capture the details of both the referring person and the person being referred.
The configuration choice you make here will be determined by your compliance needs in terms of gaining direct consent to capture the details of, and communicate directly with, the person being referred.
Here's how the Referral CTA might look when you are just capturing the referring person's details:
In this configuration, when the Referral CTA is submitted, you would trigger a workflow to send an email containing a referral link to the referring person, which they could then share with one or more of their friends. No personal information regarding the referred person is stored within the Recruitment Marketing CRM database until such time as they visit the career site and complete a CTA themselves.
The alternative configuration might be set up as shown here:
When adopting this approach, you would configure the workflow to email the details of the job directly to the person being referred. Their details will be recorded in the Recruitment Marketing CRM database immediately.
In both configurations, you capture the details of the referring person into your CRM database, so you have the opportunity to nurture their own interest in your organisation in the future. You may choose to also add a step to the initial workflow to send them an email to thank them for their referral.
Viewing a list of referrals
You can view the details of the referral from the side menu, under "CRM" in Referrals.
If you capture both the referrer and the referee on the initial CTA, then the data for these potential candidates will be available on this screen immediately.
However, if you configure the Referral CTA to only capture the referrer's details, then the referral details will not appear here until such time as the referred candidate clicks the referral link in the email, and completes a CTA for the referred job.
This screen will display details including the referrer (From), referee (To), job, the Latest ATS status of the person being referred and the Date the referral occurred.
Creating a form type CTA
- From the side menu, under Content, click Call-To-Action.
- Click New to create a call-to-action, ensuring the type is set to Form.
- Click the Save button.
The Calls-To-Action list will display the new form type CTA.
Adding the referral field to a CTA
- Next to the new form CTA, click the number of fields hyperlink (e.g. 3 field(s)).
- On the Form fields for Candidate Referral screen, click the New button.
- Configure as follows:
- What is the name of this field - this is the internal name (e.g. Candidate Referral).
- What type of field is it - select Referral.
Will the referred candidate be created by this call to action or a link
- By this call to action - select this option if you want to capture both referrer and referee details on this CTA.
- By link and candidate consent - select this option if you want to capture only the referrer's details, and then send them a referral link to share with their friend.
- Give this field a label - select this checkbox to display an alternative name.
- Label - For example, Refer a friend.
- Hide this field by default - do not check this box.
- Click the Save button.
Adding a workflow email
- From the side menu, under CRM, click Emails.
- From the Email Type drop down, select Workflow.
- Click the New button.
- Enter a name for the email.
- Select a theme
- Click the Save button.
- At the Edit tab, you can edit the body of the email by hovering over the text block and clicking the Edit Block icon.
- In the Edit Email Block pop up, configure the email intended for the person being referred. Compose the email, ensuring you use the following merge fields from the Personalisation drop down:
- Candidate first name - the person being referred.
Referrer name - the person submitting the referral.
Example content when just capturing the referrer:Hi,
Example content when capture both referrer and referee:
Thanks for your interest in referring for your friend for the
[job_title] opportunity.
Please share this unique link with your friend.
To progress their interest, your friend will need to click the link,
and then submit an application for the job opportunity.Hi [candidate_first_name] [candidate_referral_from_name] shared a job with you. To find out more click here.
- Ensure there is text which directs the recipient to the job.
Highlight the text you want to link and click on the Insert / edit link icon. - In the Insert/Edit Link pop up, ensure the URL is your careers site followed by:
For example:
- Click the Save button to save the changes.
- Click the Next Step button.
- At the Settings tab, the Name, Subject, sender and Preheader Text can be set.
- Click the Next Step button.
- At the Preview tab review the email, and if required, click the Send test button to trigger a test email.
In the scenario where you are capturing both the referrer and referee, you wish to send an email to the person submitting the referral. To do so, repeat the steps above and create an additional email. You would use the merge fields:
- Candidate first name - the person being referred.
- Sender name - the person sending the email, such as the marketer or recruiter.
Example content:
Hi [candidate_first_name], Thank you for referring a candidate to one of our jobs. Regards [sender_first_name]
Adding a workflow
- From the side menu, under CRM, click Workflows.
- Click the New button.
- Enter a name for the workflow (e.g. Candidate Referral).
If you don't enter a name, it will default to the name of the featured CTA. - From the What should trigger this Workflow drop down:
- Select The candidate gets referred to a job if you have captured both the referrer and referees details.
- Select The candidate refers someone to a job if you have just captured the referrer's details.
- Click the Save button.
- Beneath the Workflow item, click the New icon to add your first workflow step.
- From the What kind of workflow step would you like drop down, select Email.
- From the Who should receive the email drop down, select The Candidate.
- Select the sender from the drop down.
- Select which email will be sent (e.g. Check out this job).
- Click the Save button to keep the settings and return to the Workflow screen.
As an optional step, you could create an additional workflow to trigger an email to person submitting referral.
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