Job filtering language

Recruitment Marketing Public

Job filtering language is used to customise job list blocks. We use it to build criteria allowing us to show different jobs list. It is also used when routing job or blog templates to the correct page.

You can filter jobs using the Recruitment Marketing Job filtering language with the following:


// match all jobs where the title is "Technical Supervisor"
title = "Technical Supervisor" 

// match all jobs where the title is not "Technical Supervisor"
title != "Technical Supervisor"


// match all jobs where the title contains the phrase "Technical Supervisor"
title ~ "Technical Supervisor"

// match all jobs where the title does not contain the phrase "Technical Supervisor"
title !~ "Technical Supervisor"


// match all jobs where the title equals any of the items in the list
title ^ ["Technical Supervisor", "Supervising Technician", "Senior Supervising Technician"]

// match all jobs where the title is not equal to any of the items in the list
title !^ ["Technical Supervisor", "Supervising Technician", "Senior Supervising Technician"]


// match all jobs where the state equals "Texas" or the city equals "Los Angeles"
state = "Texas" or city = "Los Angeles"

// match jobs where the category equals "retail" or "kitchens team"
category ^ ("retail", "kitchens team")


// match all jobs where the state equals "Ohio" and the city equals "Columbus" 
state = "Ohio" and city = "Columbus"

Searchable Fields

  • title
  • city
  • state
  • country
  • country_code
  • department
  • category
  • ats_uid
// examples

city = "Dublin" 
state = "Ohio" 
country = "United States" 
country_code = "US"
department = "Engineering"
category = "Technical"
ats_uid = "12345"



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