Editing candidate information

Recruitment Marketing Public

Occasionally you may need to change or update a candidate's record in Recruitment Marketing. For example, it may become apparent over the course of communicating with a candidate that they prefer to go by a first name that is different to the one listed on their candidate profile. Or, perhaps you would like to update the email address or home address you have on record for a particular candidate.

  1. From the side menu, under CRM click Candidates.
    Alternatively from the Home Dashboard, click Candidates.
  2. Use the search options to find the relevant candidate or locate them in a list.
  3. Click the candidate's name to open their profile.
  4. Click the View Full Profile button.
  5. Next to their name, click the Actions icon then select Edit.

  6. In the Edit Candidate page, make your required changes by clicking on the relevant field.
  7. Click the Save button to keep the changes.
    A record of these changes will be displayed in the Timeline on the candidate card.

Candidate name

Manually entered candidates

If a candidate has been manually added to the CRM by clicking Add candidate and filling out the details, then the first and last names can be updated by clicking Edit candidate as described above.

Multiple sources of candidate data

Typically candidates are not manually entered into the CRM by a user. They arrive in the CRM via a CTA completed by a candidate. Sometimes they are imported via an ATS integration, a CSV file, or even an API call. For each candidate, all of the different sources of data are saved, and a "best guess" is made with the correct name.

For example, a candidate may have filled out a Recruitment Marketing CTA as "Bill Candidate", completed the ATS form as "William Candidate", and may have been separately imported by a recruiter in a CSV file as "B. Candidate". The email address would tie all three accounts together. The candidate has 3 sources of data - the CTA form submission, the ATS data, and the CSV import.

What should be displayed on the candidate profile?

In this case, the CTA form submission "Bill Candidate" will be displayed, as this was directly inputted by the candidate, so it gets prioritised.

A user with the correct permissions can override all sources of candidate name data by clicking Edit Candidate as mentioned above and typing in a first and last name. To undo this effect, blank out the first name and last name.

In order of priority, the sources of data are:

  • Manually entered candidate data
  • API
  • Candidate SAML integration (used for internal careers sites)
  • Form submissions
  • SMS Chatbots
  • CSV imports
  • Sign in with LinkedIn 
  • ATS integrations
  • Referrals




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