Pre-implementation Succession Data Collection


Defining processes

Ideally, if you have a copy of your organisation's existing Talent and Succession plan / process, it is recommended you share this with us. We can help you to either configure your system to model your current processes, or use this as a basis for your initial set up discussions.

Implementing the PageUp system is also a perfect opportunity to optimise your current Succession and Talent review process. Or even redefine how you envision the review process operating.

Let's get started!


The list below outlines the key areas that are useful to consider prior to System Implementation. Gather any Talent / Succession related information, in the easiest format (even scans of paper forms etc).

Talent review processes

The Succession module includes the Talent module. Talent reviews are used to assess an individual’s performance, potential and competencies for the purposes of considering them for a future position.

When setting up talent reviews, we recommend you think about the following:

  • Do you have a sample of your organisation's existing talent review process you can share with us?
  • How does your organisation currently conduct talent reviews? E.g. With another online provider, or offline, for example in Word or Excel
  • Do you assess leadership potential?
  • What do you assess, or what is factored into the review? E.g. performance, potential, leadership capabilities, manager comments, readiness etc
  • Who conducts these reviews? E.g. HR, Department heads, all Managers

Succession Plans

When setting up succession planning for your organisation, think about:

  • How does your organisation currently carry out succession planning? E.g. With another online provider or offline, for example in Word or Excel
  • Do you assess leadership potential? If so how?
  • What does potential mean to your organisation?
  • How do you rate your talent? E.g By potential and performance, using a 9 box, via calibration sessions
  • Are employees rated against competency?
  • How often do you rate talent? E.g Quarterly, 6 monthly, yearly
  • Does performance information feed into talent/succession information?
  • Do you use indicators to identify individuals? E.g. flight risk, close to retirement
  • Do you rate individuals based on their position within an organisation?
  • Do managers/leaders conduct talent calibration sessions or does HR lead these?

Employee profile

The Employee Profile is a core part of the Employee Services portal and is shared across the Performance, Succession and Learning Modules.

The Employee Profile will be customised to reflect information you wish to collect from employees whether it be career aspirations, relocation preferences or skills and qualifications.

  • Think about what questions/information you wish to gather from employees


  • What Talent and Succession data does the business currently report on?
  • Is there new information that you want to be able to report on?



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