Pre-Implementation Recruitment Data Collection


Defining processes

Everyone understands the flow of a recruitment lifecycle, but clarifying who does what through the process is not always such a simple question to answer - particularly when considering the complexities of divisions/functions/geographies etc.

We have outlined a basic Recruitment Process Flow, showing roles and activities, to help you get started.


The list below outlines the key areas that are useful to review prior to System Implementation including example documents/ content and questions to consider.

Note: Gather any Recruitment related information, in the easiest format (even scans of paper forms etc).

Raising a job (requesting approval to recruit or raising a requisition)

If you have a paper based/online form that is completed when a requisition/job is created, please collate and review these.

  • What information do you require in order for someone to raise and get a job approved within your organisation?

Please note, this list of fields should accommodate all types of requisitions raised. Fields may include Cost centres, Business units, Location, Salary banding, Job title etc...

Job approval processes

If you have approval workflows in use already, please document and validate this.

  • Do your jobs need to go through an approval process before they can be sourced/posted?
  • Do different level/type of roles need different approval workflows?

Sourcing/Posting boards

If you already use external job boards to source/post, please collate your account details.

  • Do you have external job boards that you use, or want to use, for sourcing your jobs in the marketplace?

For a full list of providers PageUp currently integrates with, refer to our Marketplace.

Recruitment processes

If you have the list of steps applicants move through documented, please collate this.

  • What statuses (or steps) should an applicant move through from the moment they submit their application up until the offer stage?
  • Does the process vary depending on the position you are recruiting for? e.g. Executive vs Graduate; Office-based vs on-the-road staff.
  • What email communications do you want to send to applicants throughout the recruitment process?

E.g. phone screen, shortlisting, Hiring Manager review, interview, background checking etc.

Application forms

If you have existing application forms you use, please gather these.

  • What questions do applicants need to answer when applying for a job with your organisation?
  • Do questions vary for externally or internally sourced positions?

E.g. work eligibility, work history, education history, resume/CV upload etc


If you have a paper based/online form that is completed when an offer is being made, please gather this.

  • Do you complete a paper based form or list of information when you are making an offer to an applicant?
  • Is there information in your offer contracts that you have to manually input? If so, what is this information?
  • Who approves an offer and what information do you need today to get an offer approved?

Example fields include salary, start date, end date (if applicable), allowances & benefits etc.

Offer Contracts

We find that clients often decide to review their offer contracts when implementing a new system. Please take this time to start this process.

  • What offer contract templates do you currently use?
  • What information is manually filled out before it gets sent to the applicant? We will want to add this information to the Offer card.
  • Is Legal aware that offer contracts will be accepted online?

Other information

  • Do you complete or send out reference check templates?
  • How are job descriptions captured?
  • Do you send out surveys to Hiring Managers or applicants on their experience during the recruitment process?
  • Do you have an employee referral program established?


If your business already reports on recruitment metrics and you wish to continue to export this data, please gather examples together.

  • Is the business asking for specific metrics/data on your recruitment processes, time to fill or diversity information?

Job listing pages for Recruitment

Having a great job listing page is a key component of your recruitment strategy. A great page should look good, load quickly and be easy to use.

Depending on the scope of your project, you may be implementing a Personalised Jobs Page or a Dynamic or Static template. Contact your Project Manager if you have any questions about what you will be building.

For more information on the configuration options for your new jobs page, refer to Personalised Jobs Page.

If designing a new jobs page is not on the table for your organisation we have a selection of pre-designed templates for you to choose from.

Additional Recruitment Modules

The items outlined in this section are only relevant to clients who have purchased these particular modules within the Recruitment platform.

Recruitment Agency information

The Agency Module allows accredited/approved suppliers to submit applicants through an agency portal and tracks the source of that applicant.

  • Do you have a list of agencies you use regularly? Start gathering their contact and payment information.
  • Do your agencies have set margins, costs and role specialities?

Background Checking

The Background Checking Module provides a direct integration link to third party background checking providers such as First Advantage and Verify.

  • Which provider are you using for Background Checking? Obtain details of your account manager to receive the required account information.
  • Links to applicant reports expire after X amount of days. How long will you need access to a report during a recruitment process?

Interview guide builder

The Interview Guide Builder Module allows you to create interview guides based on the requirements of the job you are recruiting for. Pre-defined guides can be created in addition to ‘on the fly’ guides on a job-by-job basis and can include behavioural questions from a library of competencies.

  • Do you have interview guide templates already in use?
  • Do you create a specific guide per job?

Video interviewing

The Video Interviewing Module allows applicants to record answers to pre-determined interview questions whereby a Recruiter and/or Hiring Manager can review them whenever it is convenient for them.

For a full list of providers PageUp currently integrates with, refer to our Marketplace.

  • Do you currently use video interviewing? Who is your current provider?
  • Do all roles go through video interviewing?
  • At what stage of the recruitment process flow do you conduct video interviewing? Does the stage differ based on role type/geography/business?

Online testing

The Online Testing module provides linkages to third-party testing products for a selection of psychological, behavioural and competency testing. The tests are integrated to various levels depending on each test, and the applications are processed through PageUp.

For a full list of providers PageUp currently integrates with, refer to our Marketplace.

  • Do you currently use online testing?
  • What is the name of your account manager for the online testing provider?
  • Do all roles go through online testing?
  • Are online tests supervised or unsupervised?
  • At what stage of the recruitment process flow do your applicants undergo online testing? Does the stage differ based on role type/geography/business?



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