Company AI & ML settings

Recruitment Marketing Public

You can manage what AI and ML features you want to enable for your company. To do so:

  1. Login to Recruitment Marketing
  2. From the side menu, under Company, click Settings
  3. Navigate to Miscellaneous and click AI & ML settings.

AI settings menu.png

By default, the settings to generate blog posts and job recommendations, and to enable the AI Content Assistant are turned on.

Note: If you are unable to see the setting to enable candidate summarisation then the feature is not available for your company. 

Settings breakdown

Setting Details
Generate blog post and job recommendations

This enables ML-powered generation of recommendations for blog posts and jobs for candidates. When you disable this option, the recommended blog posts/jobs will be a list of the most recent ones instead of them being based on a behavioural algorithm.

Disabling this option will also prevent suggested candidates to be generated on projects.

Enable AI Content Assistant This setting enables our AI Assistant throughout the app. When this checkbox is unticked, the AI Assistant button on the top navigation bar will disappear.
Enable candidate summarisation If your company uses the candidate summarisation feature (AI-powered candidate resume summarisation on the candidate profile card), you will be able to enable or disable this feature by simply ticking this checkbox on or off.




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