Recruitment Marketing Public
For user information on other PageUp modules refer to the section on Users.
Accessing User Management
To access:
- From the side menu, under Organisation, click User Management.
Creating a user account
- From the side menu, under Organisation click User Management.
- Click the New button.
- Complete the following required details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email - enter the company email address
- The following optional details can be entered:
- Alternative email
- Phone number
- Title (the position of the user)
- Bio
- Avatar - this image will display against the user's profile
- Enable do not reply - if enabled, and the user emails a candidate and then the candidate replies, no email will be sent to the user.
- Advanced - in this section, beta features can be enabled if required.
- Twitter username
- LinkedIn url
- SMS Phone Number
- Broadbean account name
- In the Roles section, select the relevant checkbox(es) to define the user's level of access. For more information refer to Recruitment Marketing: User Roles.
- In the Companies section, select the relevant checkbox(es) to define the user's company access.
- Click the Save button to create this user.
- Click the Invite icon if required. See Inviting a team member to use Recruitment Marketing for details.
Creating user accounts in bulk
For a large number of user accounts, you can download the excel file template to make the process easier.
As a minimum, the following information for each user is required to create user accounts:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company Email address
When completed, adhere to your company's security guidelines and send the file to PageUp.
Inviting a team member to use Recruitment Marketing
To trigger the email invite to a new team member:
- From the side menu, under Organisation click User Management.
- Next to the relevant user record, click the Invite icon.
After clicking on the link, the user will be able to set a password for their account. This way, only the user knows their password for security reasons.
- After a user has set a password and logged in, the Invite icon will no longer display.
- The authorisation token in the user invite email lasts for 2 weeks.
Editing a user account
- From the side menu, under Organisation click User Management.
- On the Team screen, find the relevant user and click the Edit icon.
- On the Edit user screen, make the required changes.
- Click the Save button to keep any changes.
Editing user settings
- From the top right, click your name.
- From the drop-down, click your name again.
- On the User Settings screen, the following can be changed:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Password
- Title (the position of the user)
- Default company - select from the drop-down the company used most often. This will be the company data displayed when logging in. If this is not defined, then the user will get logged into the first company listed.
- Avatar
- Options to:
- Receive notifications of candidate activity via email
- Opt out of product usage analysis
- Click the Save button to keep any changes.
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