Archiving and unarchiving users

Recruitment Marketing Public

It is recommended to control user access to Recruitment Marketing via SAML. Since this is not always possible, there is an option to login via email/password. However, when a team member leaves the recruiting team or the company, their access to Recruitment Marketing needs to be revoked by locking access and archiving the account.

Archiving a user

  1. From the side menu, under Organisation click User Management.
  2. Next to the relevant user, under Actions, click the Archive and lock user icon. 
  3. At the confirmation prompt, click the OK button.


Unarchiving a user

  1. From the side menu, under Organisation click User Management.
  2. Next to the relevant user, under Actions, click the Unarchive and unlock user icon.
  3. At the confirmation prompt, click the OK button.


Note: Recruitment Marketing enables archiving as opposed to deletion of user accounts in order to preserve references to the user for historical purposes, e.g. reviewing conversations with candidates that may have been started or continued by the user.



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