Job locations in Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment Marketing Public


Job locations are used to provide information to candidates regarding the geographical location of the job requisition. Job location records are generally created via an ATS integration, with new location records automatically being created if a location attached to an active job requisition doesn't currently exist within Recruitment Marketing. It is also possible to create locations manually within Recruitment Marketing should that be required.

Once a location is created or updated within Recruitment Marketing, the system utilises a geocoding service to determine the latitude and longitude of the location. This data is used to facilitate location based functionality within the Recruitment Marketing system such as "jobs near me".

Viewing job locations

The details of existing Job Locations can be viewed as follows:

  1. From the side menu, under Company click Locations.
  2. Next to the relevant location, click the Edit icon.

Manually adding a job location

Note: A new location should not be added manually unless you are adding it to a manually created job.

To create a new job location:

  1. From the side menu, under Company click Locations.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Complete the fields:
    1. Street #
    2. Street
    3. Neighbourhood
    4. City
    5. State
    6. Country
    7. Postal code
    8. Visibility: Should the location be visible on the career site
    9. Display map marker: If utilising map functionality, should this location show on the map
  4. Click Save to create the location.

Maintaining job locations

The way that locations are maintained within the Recruitment Marketing module varies depending on the type of ATS integration which initially created the location.

Workday API Integrations

Customers with an active Workday API integration have a choice in terms of how their job locations are managed within Recruitment Marketing.

New locations are automatically created via the integration, however, these customers can choose whether:

  • Subsequent updates to these locations are made manually within Recruitment Marketing (default option).
  • Updates made to locations in the ATS are automatically applied to the corresponding location within Recruitment Marketing.

Manual updates to Workday job locations

Where the location has been created by the ATS integration, job location data should be both detailed and accurate. However, if you wish to add more specific information, you can improve/edit job location details in Recruitment Marketing by following the steps below.

  1. From the side menu, under Company click Locations.
  2. Next to the relevant location, click the Edit icon.
  3. Under the location name, click the Edit icon (if not present, the location is currently set to automatically update, explained further below).
    edit location.png
  4. Make your changes on the screen that follows:
    edit location details.png
  5. Click the Save button to keep any changes.

From now on, the system will use the improved location for the relevant jobs.

When this option is selected, if a change is made to this location in the ATS, that change will not automatically be reflected within the Recruitment Marketing system, so you must then make the same change (manually) in the Recruitment Marketing system.

Automatic updates to Workday job locations

If you have chosen to configure the Recruitment Marketing system to automatically update job locations via the ATS integration, then any changes made in the ATS to existing locations (which are assigned to an active job requisition) will automatically be applied to the corresponding location record within the Recruitment Marketing system the next time the ATS integration runs.

When this option is selected, it is not possible to make manual changes to the location record within Recruitment Marketing. Whilst you will be able to view the location information within Recruitment Marketing, the fields will be locked to prevent any edits from occurring.

Opting specific Workday job locations out of automatic updates

There may be occasions where it is advantageous to be able to opt specific job location records out of receiving the automatic updates from the ATS. This option can be useful if the data quality in the ATS record is not at a standard we would want to display on a public facing career site.

To opt a specific location out of receiving automatic updates, you should navigate to that location record within Recruitment Marketing as outlined above, and when viewing the location, you can click the "Manually override" button. This will unlock the edit icon, allowing you to edit that location directly.

Manually override ATS location button

It is important to note that this location will no longer receive any automatic updates, so if a change is made to that location within the ATS, those changes will not be reflected within Recruitment Marketing.

You can subsequently choose to opt this location back into receiving automatic updates by clicking the "Synchronise with ATS" button. This will lock the location record again, preventing direct edits within Recruitment Marketing.

Synchronise with ATS button

All other ATS Integrations

For all other ATS integrations, any updates to job location records must be made directly within the Recruitment Marketing system. This means that once a location has been created by the ATS integration, any subsequent updates made to that location within the ATS will not automatically be reflected within the Recruitment Marketing system, and will need to be applied manually.

If you wish to add more specific information, you can improve/edit job location details in Recruitment Marketing by following the steps below.

  1. From the side menu, under Company click Locations.
  2. Next to the relevant location, click the Edit icon.
  3. Next to the location name, click the Edit icon.
  4. Make your changes on the screen that follows:
    edit location details.png
  5. Click the Save button to keep any changes.

From now on, the system will use the improved location for the relevant jobs.

Job location groups

Job location groups, which are currently only available for customers of the PageUp Recruitment Management module, are a higher level grouping of locations. The job location groups are automatically created by the ATS integration when jobs are pulled into the Recruitment Marketing module from the Recruitment Management module.

  1. From the side menu, under Company click Settings.
  2. Under Jobs click Job location groups.
  3. On the Job location groups page, a list of job location groups will be displayed. Additionally, the number of ATS integrations attached to that particular location group will be shown in the ATS Sources column.
    View job location groups
  4. Clicking the number under the ATS Sources heading will show you the ATS integrations which are related to that particular location group, along with the original ATS name and unique identifier:
    View location ATS mapping
  5. Back on the main Job location group page, clicking the edit icon (pencil) under the Actions menu will allow you to change the display name (which will be shown on your career site), as well as determining the visibility of the item:
    Set location visibility
  6. Click the Save button to keep any changes.
  7. Refresh the job search page on your career site to see any changes reflected.

Useful information

A job can be sourced to multiple locations however, if using an ATS that supports this and multiple locations are configured, then the primary location will be used. Furthermore, the default setting is for the job slug (URL) to remain static once a job is created. If your job location changes and you wish the slug to reflect that update, please contact PageUp.



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