Adding a post to a manual blog

Recruitment Marketing Public

Blog posts in Recruitment Marketing are made up of content blocks. When creating a blog post, you add content blocks to build up the body of the post. The content blocks are a mixture of formatted text, images, or even videos.

There are many advantages of breaking the blog post down into content blocks:

  • Visitor engagement with the various content blocks can be observed via Recruitment Marketing's heat maps and block analysis. This allows you to determine if specific aspects of your post are resonating with your audience.
  • Media content, such as images and videos, can be easily positioned in line with your post.

When creating your post, it is recommended that you try to break your content down into logical and meaningful blocks.

You can get a helping hand creating your blog content thanks to our AI Powered Content Assistant.

Creating a new post

  1. From the side menu, under Content click Blogs.
  2. From the Blogs listing, click the blog's title.
  3. Click the New button.
  4. Enter the Title for your blog post.
  5. Enter a brief Summary for your blog post.
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. You will then be presented with the Blog Editor screen.

Content blocks

As mentioned above, blog posts are made up of content blocks. There are three different types of content blocks which can be added to a blog post:

  • Text.
  • Image.
  • Video.
  • Horizontal Rule.
  • Blockquote.

A single text block will be added to the blog post by default, located directly below the summary field.

Adding content blocks

To add a new content block to the blog post:

  1. Click the "+" icon to add a new block in the appropriate position within your post.
  2. From the Post Block Library locate the type of block you would like to include, and click the Add button.
  3. The new block will be inserted into the post.
  4. Update the content of the block as required. Information on how to edit the different block types is shown below.
  5. The content of the blog is automatically saved as you edit.

Text content blocks

You can use our AI Powered Content Assistant to help generate copy for your blog post.

Enter your text into the text box and format it using the inline text formatting control panel:


An example of a formatted text block can be seen below:


As can be seen from the example above, as well as text formatting, it is also possible to include hyperlinks and bookmarks in the content block.

Image content blocks

  1. You can add an image to your block by either dragging a new image into the block area.  Alternatively, you can select an image from the existing image library. Images that are dragged into the block will automatically be added to your image library for future use.
  2. Once you've selected or uploaded an image, you will see it inserted inline into your blog post in the editor.
  3. Click the Edit (pencil) icon to open the Edit Block panel.
  4. From this panel, you can:
    • Determine the alignment of the image
    • Set the width of the image.
  5. Click Save to retain your settings.

Video content blocks

  1. Select the video you would like to include from your video library.
    Note: For more information on managing videos within Recruitment Marketing, please refer to this 'Web Page Videos'.
  2. The video will automatically be included in your blog post.

Horizontal Rule

When selected, the horizontal rule will be included in your blog post at the selected position.


  1. The blockquote content block will be shown within the editor.
  2. Enter the text that you would like to appear as a blockquote within your post.

Removing content blocks

When you hover over a block, you will notice a trash can appears on the left-hand side. Click this to remove a block. 

Note: Content blocks are not recoverable once deleted.

Blog post settings

  1. Click Settings on the sub-menu to access the settings.
  2. The following settings are available:
    • Title - sets the title of the blog.
    • Author - select from a list of Recruitment Marketing users.
    • Last Published At - sets the last published date for the post.
    • Video - select a video to appear above the blog post.
    • Blog - defines which blog this post belongs to.
    • Tags - add tags to allow visitors to search for the post using tags.
    • Add a summary for your blog - summaries are displayed on the blog search result page
    • Slug - sets the URL slug for the blog post.
    • Meta description - sets the meta description tag for the blog post header.
    • Browser title - sets an override to be used for the page rather than the blog post title.
  3. Click Save to keep your settings.

Additionally, you can add a lead image. This image will be shared should you add your blog on any other social media channels such as LinkedIn.

Publishing your blog post

  1. From the blog post listing, locate the blog you wish to publish.
  2. Click the Publish (play button) from the options menu on the right.
  3. You will receive a confirmation message to show that your blog post has been published.
  4. The indicator icon to the left of your post will turn green, showing that the post is published.




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