Industry Trends - Retail


Key Business Problems/Culture Themes and Trends

Below is a list of common business problem faced during the implementation of retail clients:

Hiring Managers (stored based) use shared email addresses

Many Hiring Managers/stores have numerous employees in the one site, and often only provide these people with one shared email address (usually accessed by the Hiring Manager). E.g CBD Retail Store with one Manager, Assistant Manager and ten Sales Assistants would share the one email As such, it can be problematic when Hiring Managers need to access a system like PageUp that can encompass confidential information that should be seen only by specific users.

Decentralised recruitment model, HR management has low trust towards Hiring Managers

It's common nowadays for big retail organisations to delegate recruitment to site Hiring Managers. At times this can be problematic, as the Hiring Manager dashboard was primarily designed to support a decentralised model.

Often not too “tech savvy”

It is common for Hiring Managers to be accustomed to a manual way of recruiting employees e.g receiving paper resumes, putting them in a “yes”/”no” pile and managing their recruitment from there. With that said, it is obviously a big change when coming from a paper based methodology to an online system. It is common for a project team to comment on how many Hiring Managers may struggle with this as they are set in their current way of doing things and are not very “system savvy”. Hence, they are often resistant to change.

Internal jobs often sourced via hidden job functionality and QR codes

Quite often, employees do not have access to an internal careers site or job board. This is due to internal sites often being restricted by an IP range - something which these employees are often not part of. As such, many retail companies source hidden jobs, copy the QR code, print them out and put them up in places like notice boards, break rooms etc. That way, employees are able to access jobs sourced only to them and not externally.

Bulk recruitment is necessary

Due to the nature and volume of retail recruitment, there is a need for the system to do as much of the recruitment work as possible. This is to save on unnecessary administration time and costs, and allow for an efficient process. Typically, this is done through bulk rules in application forms, scoring, bulk communication and bulk offers.

Retail companies operate under multiple brands

Large retail companies often trade under multiple brand names. This is a corporate strategy to drive market share and attract a wide cross-section of customers. For this reason, retails clients often require individually branded careers sites and applicant portals. Also consider email address for multi-branded clients. Some system emails need to have the same from address across the instance.

Features / Configuration / Tips

Many retail clients use similar configuration. The following points address areas of the system that should be used, as well as configuration tips:

Scoring in application forms for bulk roles

Given the high volume of applications received for some roles the value of having knock out questions allows for much faster shortlisting. For more information refer to Rules and Scoring.

Campaign with move to status rules

As roles can be generic in nature, having an open campaign that filters people into steps related to role can be quite useful. This will negate the need for front v.s. Back of house to constantly be sourcing jobs. More information refer to Campaigns.

Recruiter dashboard generic role titles becoming confusing

If a recruiter is managing 25+ retail assistant roles, you may want to include further information in the title e.g. location to assist recruiters navigation. This will avoid confusion and potential errors between different jobs.

Online reference checks

Save time with bulk lower level roles. Using PageUp’s online reference check functionality, you can create a library of forms specific to gathering feedback from external referees. It's for people being considered for hire or appointment by your organisation.
These forms can be completed by external referees online and the completed forms are stored against each applicant. For more information refer to Reference checks.



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