Assigning the Implementation Team


Assigning the right project team is critical to the success of your implementation. Not only do you need to work out what roles are required, but also the time commitment required for each of these roles. To help, we have outlined the key Client roles and responsibilities we find to help make implementation go smoothly, as well as estimated time commitments.

What time commitment is required?

We understand that people still have their day-to-day responsibilities to perform when working on projects such as system implementation. Throughout the project stages, time requirements will vary.

For Mid-market implementations, during the configuration and validation period, time requirements will be at their highest as you learn how to navigate and tweak your system.

An estimated* time effort for the key Mid-market implementation roles is outlined below:

  • Superuser: approximately 3 days per week
  • Project Manager: approximately 4 - 8 hours per week
  • Change Manager: approximately 1 -2 hours per week
  • Technical Integration/SSO/HRIS expert: approximately 15 - 20 hours for the life of the project
  • Website resource: approximately 10 - 15 hours for the life of the project

The image below provides a detailed illustration of the roles, responsibilities and associated project effort of a PageUp Recruitment implementation project.

*Please note these are estimates only. The modules you are implementing, along with the size and complexity of your organisation, mean these durations may vary. Use them as a starting point to conduct your own resource estimation.

Implementation roles and their responsibilities


  • Attends all project meetings
  • Gathers requirements and represents internal stakeholders during the project
  • Feeds back to internal stakeholders on decisions, issues and constraints (if any)
  • Configures system to align with business requirements
  • Agree on test criteria and design test scenarios and scripts to support system validation
  • Answers system configuration questions during user acceptance testing
  • To see a full list of Superuser responsibilities check out the Superuser PD.

Project Manager/Project Sponsor:

  • Securing resources and ensuring they understand what needs to be done and when
  • Defining the scope and deliverables of the project
  • Monitoring completion and ensuring the project is delivered according to the schedule
  • Managing risks
  • Ensuring the project meets the objectives of the stakeholders
  • Main executive spokesperson used in any change management activity
  • The ultimate decision maker is usually represented by the Subject Matter Expert(s)

Change Manager:

  • Responsible for creating a comprehensive change roll-out plan

Technical Integration/HRIS Specialist:

  • Works with Client Superusers and SME's to understand what data needs to be transferred between the client HRIS and PageUp via integration
  • Works with PageUp to complete the relevant Integration and Single Sign On work
  • Create integration specifications (templates will be provided by the PageUp project team)
  • Build and test the integration

Web Developer:

  • Provides branding requirements and assets for the careers pages

  • Works with the PageUp Team to perform any technical changes required

Marketing / Brand Rep(s):

  • Sign off the design and branding e.g. website, onboarding portal


  • People who are impacted by, or may influence the use of the process and system

New Users:

  • All future end users of the system who will undergo New User training (if required)



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