UpSkill - Recruitment Superuser Training | US/EMEA


We understand the system is only as good as the people who use it.

The Superuser UpSkill sessions will take participants into the 'back-end' of the system to further develop their understanding of how the system can be configured for optimum use. UpSkill will enable and enhance your capability to maintain configuration and develop a good understanding of how changes will affect the front end of the system.

Our practical, applied training methodology is designed to inspire and help you learn about how to get the best out of your PageUp system.

Participants will be able to choose their own adventure as it pertains to our Recruitment Upskill sessions, selecting 5 topics that are most relevant to you.

We are now offering Onboarding Upskill sessions which will cover full module configuration and usage!

These trainings will be held across 3 days in the US East Coast timezone.

Recruitment and onboarding training are sold separately but we encourage Superusers to attend both sessions.

US/EMEA training available:

  • Recruitment - TBC
  • Onboarding - TBC

Recruitment training modules available:

  • Job Card & Approval Process Configuration: Learn how to configure the Job Card
    and Approval Processes (Position Descriptions, Job and Offer).
  • Recruitment Process Overview: Deep dive into the Recruitment Process learning
    about the application status settings and how to build processes.
  • Forms Configuration: Learn more about how to build forms (applications, etc) plus
    learn more about scoring, rules and how to automate the application process.
  • Understanding System Settings: Build an understanding of the System Setting
    section of your PageUp system and how to leverage configuration options.
  • Permissions, Users & Teams Management: Learn how to build new permissions,
    understand the differences of team, plus how to navigate user management.
  • Building Communication Templates: Review communication templates in System Settings and how to leverage them efficiently.
  • APB and Applicant Management Tips & Tricks: Learn more about the Applicant
    Progress Board and how to leverage it in your application review process.
  • Using Talent Search & Talent Pools: Build an understanding of how to leverage
    PageUp as a proactive sourcing tool with Talent Search.
  • Understanding the Hiring Manager Dashboard: Develop an understanding of your
    Hiring Experience by reviewing the Hiring Manager Dashboard and how to optimise
    this dashboard for end users.
  • Interview Scheduling Automation: Calendar Integration & Booking/Events: Discover
    how help automate interview scheduling within PageUp for both recruiters and hiring
  • HRIS Data & PageUp: Deep dive into what reference data can be HRIS data and how
    it can create efficiencies and keep your PageUp data accurate/up to date.
  • Flexible Forms Overview & Configuration: Learn how to leverage Flexible Forms into
    your current process.

Onboarding training:

Onboarding training modules are run separately from recruitment, and all 5 training modules are included. The training will cover full module configuration and usage.

  • Onboarding Workflows
  • Building Content Pages
  • Onboarding System Settings
  • Understanding the User Experience
  • Reporting and Dashboards

By the end of the sessions, all participants should feel empowered to configure the Onboarding module. Click here for US/EMEA Registrations.

To discuss other training options please contact



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