Employee Connections candidate-facing platform navigation

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Candidate-facing platform

This article provides an overview of the Employee Connections candidate-facing platform, sometimes referred to as the always-on platform. When accessing the always-on platform signed in as an administrator, the view will be similar to candidates or insiders, with the addition of being able to can easily manage your company's Employee Connections content. Refer to Employee Connections administrative platform for an overview.

Navigation bar

The navigation bar across the top of the candidate-facing platform contains five areas:

  • Logo
  • Search bar
  • Sign in / My account
  • Apply now call-to-action
  • Menu


Clicking on the logo on the top left of the candidate-facing platform will take you back to the home page.

Search bar

Candidates, insiders and administrators can use the search bar to find discussions of interest by keyword or topic. The search results will display the number of times each discussion has been viewed and the number of comments within the discussion thread.

Sign in / My account

Administrators, insiders and candidates can all sign in or out of their Employee Connections account using this link. If signed in as an insider, you can click on 'My account' to view your insider dashboard or update settings. More information is below, in the 'My account' section.

Apply now

The apply now call-to-action (CTA) will direct candidates from your Employee Connections platform to your careers site job search page, where they can find an apply for a suitable role.


The top right menu allows administrators, insiders and candidates to navigate to different areas of the Employee Connections platform. Please note, items will display in this menu if there is relevant content created and published. For example, if you have no published vacancies on the Employee Connections platform, the 'Vacancies' menu option will not appear.

Home page

The home page of the Employee Connections platform contains five sections:

  • Highlighted insiders
  • Top discussions
  • Live chat events
  • Insider videos
  • Vacancies

Highlighted insiders

This area of the home screen displays a sample of insiders, wherein you can click to view an insider's profile. Click on 'View all insiders' to see all profiles published on the platform.

Top discussions

The top discussions area will display some discussion categories on the left, which you can click on to view a selection of relevant discussions. Click 'View all discussions' to see all discussion threads that have insider responses, and have been published.

Live chat events

Candidates can view and sign up to upcoming live chat events. Additionally, click on 'View all previous live chats' to view the published discussions from past live chat events.

Note: this section will not display if there are no upcoming or previous live chat events.

Insider videos

This section will display published video questions, where insiders have recorded their response. Click on 'View all insider videos' to see all published video questions.

Note: this section will not display if there are no published insider video questions.


Candidates can view, apply to and ask associated insiders about published vacancies on this section of the home page. Click 'Browse our current vacancies' to view all published vacancies.

Note: this section will not display if there are no published vacancies.

Insiders page

The insiders page is accessible via the top right menu, or by clicking on 'View all insiders' on the home page. On the insiders page, you can filter using categories, or type a name or job title in the search bar to find specific insiders. When viewing an insider's profile, there are six main sections:

  • The 'Ask me a question' call-to-action
  • Insider profile information - e.g. Job title, profile categories and topics the insider is happy to answer questions about
  • Career path, displaying employment and education history
  • Profile introductory video (if recorded)
  • Insider insights - e.g. career summary, brief description about their role, top advice, best thing about their role and greatest achievement
  • Discussions the insider has contributed to

Discussions page

The discussions page is accessible via the top right menu, or by clicking on 'View all discussions' on the home page. On the discussions page, you can filter the content using categories, to find discussions of interest. Each discussion thread displays the number of responses, views and the option to like (heart) the discussion. When viewing a discussion as a signed in administrator or insider, you can contribute another response and add your perspective for candidates to view. Administrators can also manage the content with additional actions such as:

  • Edit the question or responses
  • Hide the question from the always-on platform
  • Close candidate replies
  • Re-assign the question to another insider
  • Include in the 'Best Discussions & Stories' category
  • Report wrong category
  • Delete the question or responses
  • Add as an FAQ
  • Add the answer to story library

Live chats page

The live chats page is accessible via the top right menu, or by clicking on 'View all previous live chats' on the home page. The live chats page will display if there are upcoming live chat events that candidates can sign up to, or previous live chat events. Viewing an upcoming live chat will display the event details and description and participating insiders. Viewing a previous live chat will display the event details and description, chat discussion content and insiders that participated.

Interview tips page

The interview tips page is accessible via the top right menu, or by clicking on 'Sign up for interview tips' (if not already logged in) on the home page. Candidates can register with the Employee Connections platform or sign in to view interview tips, as it is locked content. This page will display discussions that have assigned the category 'Interview tips'. Insiders and administrators can contribute to and manage discussions in this area of the platform, just as they can with other discussions.


The videos page is accessible via the top right menu, or by clicking on 'View all insider videos' on the home page. The videos page will be visible in the platform if there are published video questions to view. You can watch the published video questions with recorded insider responses, which can be sorted by popularity, date or name.

Vacancies page

The vacancies page is accessible via the top right menu, or by clicking on 'Browse our current vacancies' on the home page. The vacancies page will display if there are published vacancies for candidates to view and apply to. When viewing vacancy details, candidates are presented with an apply now CTA, which will direct them to your careers website.

My account (insiders & administrators)

When signed in, administrators and insiders will see a 'My account' link in the navigation bar, displaying their profile picture. In addition to signing out of the platform, there are two menu options:

  • My dashboard
  • Settings

My dashboard

The insider dashboard contains three sections:

  • Profile information: click to edit your profile, access settings or view the insider guide
  • Statistic: view the number of answers you've provided, your insider rank, number of unanswered questions, number of likes per discussion, helpfulness score and the number of discussions requiring improvement
  • Discussions: view unanswered questions, discussions requiring improvement and your discussion contributions


The settings link will take you to the administrative platform, where you can edit details such as your password, email address and time zone.



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