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Administrative platform
This article provides an overview of the Employee Connections administrative platform. When accessing the Employee Connections platform as an administrator, you will see a dashboard on the home screen, and a menu on the left-hand side. Insiders accessing the administrative platform will see considerably less options available to them. For an overview of the always on, refer to the section on Candidate-Facing Platform.
The high-level analytics dashboard provides an overview of platform performance and includes:
- The total number of questions/discussion threads
- The number of currently unanswered questions
- The average number of views per discussion
- The total number of registered candidates in the talent pool
- A graph displaying month-by-month discussion activity
- The most engaged insiders
- Talent re-engagement metrics
- The most engaged candidates
- Top discussions
- A pie chart of questions by category
- A timeline of discussion engagement
- A timeline of platform traffic
View FAQs from other customers or ask your own question to get support or advice on platform maintenance from the Customer Success team
Cookie management
Revise your cookie preferences for the Employee Connections platform.
The Insiders section of the left-hand menu contains four areas:
- Portfolio
- Top insiders
- Pending insiders
- Invite new insider
The portfolio area of the system displays system profiles in three tabs:
- The Published tab displays the insiders active on your Employee Connections platform, to which candidates can ask questions.
- The Not published tab displays in-progress insider profiles, admin profiles that aren't published as insiders, and any insiders that have been unpublished (their profiles are no longer visible on the public platform.
- The Admins tab displays all system administrators.
Top insiders
The top insiders section displays all insider profiles, ranked by default by their score. The insider scores are automatically generated, based on the insider's activity, engagement and popularity of their responses to candidate questions. You can also order insiders on this page by:
- Insider score
- Total profile views
- Questions received
- Answers given
- Answer helpfulness
- Profile views (by registered users/candidates)
- Questions asked on profile
Pending insiders
The pending insiders section displays the profiles of insiders that are yet to be invited or log in to complete their profile.
Invite new insider
This page allows admins to invite new people to join the Employee Connections platform. A user can have one of three roles/permissions:
- Insider: normal insider that can be published on the public-facing platform and participate in live chat events
- Live chat insider: an insider that is not required to complete a profile and will not appear on the public-facing platform but can participate in live chat events.
- Administrator: full system access to the administrative platform, they will have the same access as you.
The Discussions section of the left-hand menu contains five areas:
- Last week's digest
- Unanswered
- All discussions
- Moderation
- Hidden from platform
Last week's digest
This page displays an overview of the unanswered questions, new questions and new comments/responses on your platform for the past week (Monday to Sunday).
The Unanswered page displays questions awaiting a response. Each question can be highlighted and promoted on the platform, hidden from the candidate-facing platform, re-assigned to another insider or answered by an administrator.
All discussions
This page displays all discussions that have been answered and published on the candidate-facing platform, ordered by discussion score as the default. On the right of this screen, there are options to search for discussions and/or filter by best discussions and stories only. You can also order discussions by:
- Discussion score
- Activity
- Daily views (avg)
- Helpfulness
- Total views
- Upvotes
- Views (by registered users/candidates)
- Most recent activity
- Date question asked
Additionally, you can filter discussions by when the question was asked:
- Last week
- Last month
- 3 months
- 6 months
- 12 months
The moderation page displays information in two tabs:
- Insider replies: if the moderation feature is enabled, administrators can review and edit insider responses before publishing them to the candidate-facing platform.
- Public questions & comments: this page displays all discussion posts, approved/published discussion posts, published discussion posts with warnings and blocked discussion posts. Warnings and blocked posts are detected automatically, based on the words used by the candidate's question(s) or insider's response(s).
Hidden from platform
This page will display any questions that have been hidden from the candidate-facing platform by administrators.
Live chats
The Live chats section of the left-hand menu contains three areas:
- All events
- Create a new live chat
- Promotional plugin
All events
The All events page displays live chat information in three tabs:
- Upcoming live chats: saved live chats scheduled for a future date. These events will be published on your candidate-facing platform for candidates to register.
- Ongoing live chats: any live chat events that are currently in progress.
- Previous live chats: a list of completed live chat events.
Create a new live chat
This page allows administrators to create new live chat events. Once saved, the live chat will be visible on your candidate-facing platform for candidates to register.
Promotional plugin
On this page, administrators can copy an installation code and paste it into your careers site to promote an upcoming live chat event.
The Vacancies section of the left-hand menu contains two areas:
- Portfolio
- Post a new vacancy
This page displays all vacancies that have been created in the Employee Connections platform. Each vacancy can be published, unpublished, previewed, associated with particular insiders, edited or archived. Published vacancies will be visible on your candidate-facing platform. You can filter this page by:
- Published vacancies
- Unpublished vacancies
- Archived vacancies
Post a new vacancy
This page allows administrators to create and post new vacancies to be displayed in the Employee Connections candidate-facing platform.
The Candidates section of the left-hand menu contains one area - Talent sourcer.
Talent sourcer
The talent sourcer page displays candidate information in two tabs:
- Talent sourcer: view all candidates that have registered with your Employee Connections platform. Against each profile you can view candidate interaction scores and activity.
- Selected talent: this section displays highlighted candidates that you may want to nurture to apply for a role. Candidates in this section have the 'star' icon selected against their profile, in the talent sourcer tab.
Social media
The social media page allows administrators to publish discussions directly to Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook, in order to promote the Employee Connections platform. You can search for discussions you'd like to share using the keyword search bar up the top left of the page. Please be aware that the discussion post will be shared to the social media account you are currently logged into.
The Videos section of the left-hand menu contains two areas:
- Assign video questions
- insider videos
Assign video questions
This page allows Employee Connections administrators to assign video questions to nominated insiders. Insiders can then record their video responses, ready for them to be published to the candidate-facing platform.
Insider videos
The insider videos page contains three tabs:
- Moderation: this section displays video questions submitted by an insider, that require review and publishing to the public-facing platform.
- Published: all insider videos currently published and visible on the candidate-facing platform.
- Hidden from platform: any insider videos that have been removed from the candidate-facing platform.
Platform settings
The Platform settings section of the left-hand menu contains three areas:
- Configuration
- Blacklist management
The configuration area of platform settings is where administrators can update images, logos and colours. Please note that any changes made here will impact your candidate-facing platform. If you'd like to update the platform, please discuss this with the Customer Success team first.
Blacklist management
Blacklist management controls the keywords or categories that are blocked when a candidate includes them in their question. The Employee Connections platform comes with a pre-defined blacklist, but if you have any questions about this feature, please reach out to the Customer Success team.
The FAQ section displays information in two tabs:
- Published FAQs: view or edit the FAQs created by administrators and published on the candidate-facing platform.
- Create a new FAQ: create generic, frequently asked questions to display on the platform for candidates to view, if they attempt to ask a similar question.
Promotional plugins
This page allows you to create multiple types of promotional plugins to add to your careers site:
- Random insiders & discussions
- Random insiders only
- Random discussions only
- Chosen insider(s) only
- Live chats
- Video
- Discussions by keyword / category
Platform preview
This section displays a preview of your candidate-facing Employee Connections platform.
Account settings
The Account settings section of the left-hand menu contains three areas:
- Manage settings
- Edit profile
- Logout
Manage settings
Update your account settings, including your notification preferences, password, email address and time zone.
Edit profile
If you are an insider for your organisation, you can edit your candidate-facing insider profile here.
Logout of the Employee Connections platform. You can also use the top right menu (click on your name) to logout.
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