Web Services


Using Web Services to export data

Before deciding on using PageUp's web service as the mechanism of integrating with PageUp compared to using the most common options of flat files via sFTP the below should be considered. Please contact PageUp to discuss this further.

  • Do you require complete control over the integration with no need to contact PageUp should you wish to make changes in the future?
  • You will need to completely own all of the development work required to utilise the available web service methods.
  • Client codes (translations) are not available in the web service thus all mapping will need to be managed on the client side.
  • Do your requirements align with how the web service is designed?

The Web Service for extracting information from PageUp can be found at:

Example workflows to export data

When retrieving data from PageUp, it is most likely that you will need to make a number of calls to capture the required information. The calls use PageUp keys as the parameter and should be factored in before deciding to proceed with using the PageUp web service.

Example 1: Capture applicant and application form information

  • Call SearchApplicationsbyJobId (Job ID is visible and available, and the user can specify it on the job card)
  • Call GetApplicant using the result from the method above to get the applicant's details.
  • Call GetApplicationForm to get the answers from the application form from the result of the first call

Example 2: Capture applicant details, application form answers, new starter forms, and the offer details to process in your payroll/HRIS solution.

  • Call  SearchOffersByOfferAcceptedFormCompleteAndNotProcessed (no parameters)
  • Call GetApplicant to get the applicant details using the result above (ApplicantID) as the parameter
  • Call GetApplicationForm to get the application details using the result from the first call (ApplicationID) as the parameter
  • Call GetOnboardingForm to get the onboarding form answers using the result from the first call (OfferID) as the parameter
  • Call GetOffer to get the offer details using the result from the first call (OfferID) as the parameter
  • Call SetOfferProcess to mark the offer to be processed, so the particular offer (or set of offers) won't come up again in the SearchOffersByOfferAcceptedFormCompleteAndNotProcessed


  • For both SearchOffersByOfferAcceptedNotProcessed and SearchApplicationsByOfferAcceptedAndNotProcessed, the system has a limit of returning a maximum of 50 items at a time to prevent timeouts. To avoid receiving duplicate offers, customers should continue polling the offers and mark them as processed by setting "bTransmitFull = 1". This way, on the next poll, the same offer won't appear again.

Overview of the Web Service processes

Sending data to PageUp


Retrieving data from PageUp


Web Service authentication

All PageUp People Web Services require authentication using a username and password combination that will be provided during implementation. Authentication is performed using SOAP headers attached to each Web Service (SOAP) request. PageUp’s implementation of this functionality is via an AuthHeader object that inherits from the .Net frameworks SOAPHeader object.

Authentication using the Microsoft.Net based client

  • Add the reference to the WSDL file provided in the documentation for the Web Service into your VS.Net project
  • Modify the sample C# code below to call and authenticate with the Web Service


In the example above, the function call to the WSAuthenticationExample() function can be substituted for the appropriate function call within the specific Web Service you are calling.

Error reporting

Errors will be returned to the client in the form of SoapExceptions conforming to the SOAP specifications.
Details of the error, including the error number and message, can be found within the detail element of the SoapException object.

For example, the following contains the XML of the detail element of an exception caused due to incorrect login details:


-100 Access denied:
To check for errors when calling the PageUp Web Service, you can wrap your code around a try {} catch {} and then check for SoapExceptions. The following C# code shows how to catch and handle these SOAP exceptions:


Error Codes

The table below shows a list of the standard PageUp error codes and their meanings. These error codes exist across all PageUp Web Services:

Error  Description
-100 Could not log in. The password provided in the AuthHeader was incorrect.
-101 An exception occurred on the PageUp side. These are recorded. If the error persists, please contact Support.
-102 The XML sent to PageUp was missing some mandatory information. The XML should be validated against its WSDL before being sent to PageUp.

The table below shows a list of the PageUp error codes and their meanings. These error codes apply specifically to the Jobs:

Error  Description

Invalid Job ID.

Note: If you use the GetJob method, you will receive a 404 Not Found error.
-300 Invalid Max Jobs
-301 The XML sent to PageUp was missing some mandatory job information.

The XML sent to PageUp contains information that is a duplicate of a job that already exists in the system.

Note: If you are seeing this error when trying to use the UpdateJob method, it means that the "Update existing job data in JobWS" feature is not turned on. Please contact your Superuser or PageUp representative to have this feature enabled, which will not take effect until the next day after being turned on.
-303 The XML sent to PageUp does not contain information that links to a job already in the system to update.

Bulk data transfer service

If your company does not support the transfer of files via sFTP, PageUp has a tool that makes it possible to upload files via Web Service. This can be achieved with the following URL:




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