Setting up an if/else Workflow based on form field submission

Recruitment Marketing Public

A Workflow is a series of automated actions triggered when a candidate completes a call-to-action. An if/else workflow based on form submission, then, is one workflow set-up specifically to automate different actions for different inputs when candidates submit a form with multiple choices.


An if/else workflow based on form field submission might be used to deliver different emails to candidates based on the selection they've made from a custom drop-down or radio button list. In the example below, we see an if/else Workflow that works around a candidate's departmental preferences.

The Completed workflow model can be seen below.

The workflow is fully configurable, and you can choose whether to have your Workflow triggered by any/all candidate(s) who complete a particular call-to-action, or, by those candidates who complete that call-to-action AND meet additional criteria.

To create an if/else workflow based on form field submission, follow these sets of steps:

Creating the workflow

Note: Once created, new workflows are active and live by default.

  1. From the side menu, under CRM click Workflows.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Enter a name for the workflow, for example: if/else workflow: departmental interest. If you don't, it will default to the name of the featured CTA.
  4. From the What should trigger this Workflow drop-down, select Call-to-Action.
  5. Another field will display, inviting you to Choose the Call-to-Action. In the use-case of the if/else workflow based on form submission, choose the relevant form-type CTA from the drop-down
  6. Click the Save button.
    Note: For a form field to be read by the Workflow tool, the custom field must have the Show this field in Candidate advanced search & Workflow checkbox selected. This can be done by editing the form type CTA's relevant field.
    For more information refer to Creating a form type call-to-action.

Creating the workflow step - time delay

You can now start to build out your workflow by adding steps.

  1. Beneath the Workflow item, click the New icon to add your first workflow step.

  2. From the What kind of workflow step would you like drop-down, select Delay.
  3. Enter the time to pass before the system sends a personalised email follow-up configured to reflect the candidate's form-field selection. A minimum delay of a few hours is recommended - not only does it reduce the likelihood that the candidate will recognise it as being automated and potentially disregard it, but it also returns your company to the candidate's attention sometime after the event has finished.
  4. Click the Save button to keep the settings and return to the Workflow screen.

Creating the workflow step - if/else control #1

  1. Back on the Workflow page, beneath the Delay next step item, click the New icon.
  2. From the What kind of workflow step would you like drop-down, select If/else branch to allow you to automate different actions depending on whether the condition you specify evaluates to true or false.
  3. Ensure the And button is selected.
  4. Click the Add rule button.
  5. Set the Workflow Step condition to reflect the custom field name and the first of the associated field options, for example: from the dropdown, select Area of interest and this will display equal to with Engineering.
  6. Click the Save button to keep the settings and return to the Workflow screen.

Creating the workflow step - if true candidate email #1

In this workflow step, you will configure the system so that if the candidate has given their departmental preference as engineering, then an email will be sent to them. We want to automatically deliver them an email that invites them to visit a landing page to find out more about engineering at our company. This action will complete that branch.
For more information refer to Creating and sending an email.

  1. On the Workflow page, on the green/right branch, click the New icon.

  2. From the What kind of workflow step would you like drop-down, select Email.

  3. From the Who should receive the email drop-down, select The Candidate.
  4. Select the sender from the drop-down.
  5. Select which email will be sent, for example: Departmental interest - Engineering.
  6. Click Save and return to the Workflow screen.

Creating the workflow step - if false - trigger an if/else control #1

In this workflow step, you will configure the system so that if the candidate's departmental preference is not engineering but marketing, then an email will be sent to them.

You will add another "If/else" branch to automate the delivery of an email targeting those candidates who specified an interest in Marketing. This branch-within-a-branch construct is known as a "nested" branch.

  1. On the Workflow page, on the red/left branch, click the New icon.

  2. From the What kind of workflow step would you like drop-down, select If/else branch to allow you to automate different actions depending on whether the condition you specify evaluates to true or false.
  3. Ensure the And button is selected.
  4. Click the Add rule button.
  5. Set the Workflow Step condition to reflect the custom field name and the first of the associated field options, for example: from the drop-down, select Area of interest and this will display equal to with Marketing.
  6. Click the Save button to keep the settings and return to the Workflow screen.

Creating the workflow step - if true candidate email #2

In this workflow step, you will configure the system so that if the candidate has given their departmental preference as marketing, then an email will be sent to them. We want to automatically deliver them an email that invites them to visit a landing page to find out more about marketing at our company. This action will complete that branch.
For more information refer to Creating and sending an email.

  1. On the Workflow page, on the green/right branch, click the New icon.
  2. From the What kind of workflow step would you like drop-down, select Email.
  3. From the Who should receive the email drop-down, select The Candidate.
  4. Select the sender from the drop-down.
  5. Select which email will be sent, for example: Departmental interest - Marketing.
  6. Click Save and return to the Workflow screen.

Creating the workflow step - if false candidate email #1

In this workflow step, you will configure the system so that if the candidate has not given their departmental preference as marketing, but either finance or other, then a generic "catch-all" email will be sent to the remaining candidates. This action will complete that branch.
For more information refer to Creating and sending an email.

  1. On the Workflow page, on the red/left branch, click the New icon.
  2. From the What kind of workflow step would you like drop-down, select Email.
  3. From the Who should receive the email drop-down, select The Candidate.
  4. Select the sender from the drop-down.
  5. Select which email will be sent, for example: Departmental interest - either.
  6. Click Save and return to the Workflow screen.

Completed workflow model

The if/else Workflow based on form submission is now complete and should look like this:




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